Preventing Workplace Burnout

Workplace burnout is preventable, and you can start fighting it today.

More workers than ever are leaving jobs due to burnout, and it needs to stop!

Burnout happens slowly, over time, when workers feel underappreciated, undercompensated, and over-worked. Managers and leaders help prevent workplace burnout by recognizing the factors that lead to it.

When leaders get more in touch with employees’ needs and emotional and mental health, they will begin to realize the importance of training workers, providing time off, and taking an interest in important milestones in workers’ lives.

Author Geary Reid offers critical advice for HR and employee management, identifying solutions and proactive measures business leaders can take to prevent burnout. Business leaders will learn how to outsource work and to provide the needed benefits to keep their workers happy and healthy. When employers go the extra mile, they will have loyal, hardworking employees and ultimately experience more success.



Too many employees suffer from workplace burnout, and they do not always know how to identify and prevent it. Leaders often ask certain employees to do more without recognizing that they may be pushing those employees beyond their limits. When an employee becomes burnt out, not only does that employee suffer, but the organization may not be able to benefit in the same way from that employee. Employees are human, and they cannot be compared with machines, nor can they be given the same volume of work as machines to be completed with the same speed and accuracy. Even machines deserve rest.

Learning what contributes to workplace burnout is a good starting point for employees and employers, and this literature addresses many of the reasons for workplace burnout, some of which are very common. Leaders may not see all of these reasons as significant, and thus, when employees are pushed beyond their limit, they are unable to be effective for the organization.

Employees can become tired of doing the same job for lengthy periods, so they sometimes lose focus. Employers must seek to rotate those employees so that they will still have a desire to help the organization. The need to train and develop employees must be considered, since employees who are trained may develop skills to become more effective in their duties. Succession planning helps employees to know that their leaders care about them and may have the intention to promote them sometime soon.

To prevent workplace burnout, leaders must manage the amount of overtime work their employees do. Some employees will often want to work overtime, not recognizing that they need to rest their bodies. Annual vacation is important for all employees. While some employees may not always want to take their vacation on time, leaders must encourage their employees to do so, so that those employees will be rejuvenated and return to the organization refreshed. Employees will become ill from time to time, so a sick leave policy must be in place for them to utilize.

Acquiring Information Systems and Information Technology is a good investment for organizations to make, and it will reduce the possibility of workplace burnout. With the use of such systems and technology, more work may be completed in less time, and the leaders will have consistent quality outputs. Upgrading machines and equipment can also reduce workplace burnout. 

Leaders have to balance the amount of work allocated to their employees to ensure that each employee has a balanced workload. Reviewing work regularly is important to reduce errors in the delivery of products and services to customers. If possible, employers can encourage and facilitate Medical Insurance schemes for employees to join and receive medical benefits if they suffer from workplace burnout. 


Too many workers face burnout today, leading to more leaving their jobs or underperforming. The solution to burnout lies with responsible managers who can help workers to feel more satisfied in their jobs. They can increase productivity and morale by not overloading workers, by providing time off, and by offering job rotations or promotions. The best way to address burnout is to prevent it, and when leaders effectively do that, their workers will perform better and stay longer.

Author Bio

Geary Reid has seen workplace burnout among employees in many different organizations. Some employers ask employees to overperform and don’t take their needs into account. Reid wants to prevent unnecessary losses to organizations. He wants to encourage employers to create a better work-life balance for their employees and prevent workplace burnout. He has seen the benefits of training and valuing workers firsthand, and he wants to share the wisdom he has learned with others.

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