Understanding Business Financing and Investments

By estimating their costs and effectively managing their finances, entrepreneurs should be able to achieve financial success.

By estimating their costs and effectively managing their finances, entrepreneurs should be able to achieve financial success.

One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a business owner is securing financial support. Truly, some businesses fail simply because they do not receive financial backing. Entrepreneurs, of course, want to grow their business and make money, but in order to do so, they must first understand the realities of business financing and investments. Oftentimes, businesses borrow money to offset liabilities; however, business owners should understand that there are certain criteria that must be met before they can borrow money.

Success is never guaranteed, but by arming themselves with the proper tools, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of achieving success. Indeed, to grow their business as seamlessly as possible, entrepreneurs should maintain accurate and detailed financial records, maintain good credit, estimate and assess their costs, understand the differences between various types of loans, and manage their funds effectively. Being an entrepreneur is by no means easy, but if you put in the necessary work, you will be able to improve your business’s financial standing.



Securing financing is a challenging task for many business owners. Some businesses remain small or even fail because the owners were unable to access additional funds to grow their businesses.

Why businesses borrow money is an important question that many people ask and need to know the answer. There are several reasons why businesses borrow money, and one primary reason is to offset liabilities. It is a difficult situation when business owners borrow money to settle liabilities, though, because they have to repay both sets of liabilities.

Business owners who desire to borrow money for their business need to know that there are criteria that must be met before they can borrow. If the criteria are not met, then the potential borrower will not be able to access the funds needed. Business owners must ensure that their financial statements are current and, if applicable, audited in order to easily meet the requirements of lending institutions.

Business owners must choose if they need short- or long-term loans. The requirements for short- and long-term loans have many commonalities, but there are some differences between these two types of loans. In addition, debt financing and equity financing are different. However, business owners can decide if they want to increase their debt or if they are willing to share part of the ownership of the business with others.  The financial structure of the business must be assessed regularly once the business increases its liabilities. Once the funds borrowed accrue interest, then the managers must properly account for the borrowing costs according to the appropriate International Financial Reporting Standards.

Before a business chooses to engage in investment, the owners and managers must record all the appropriate costs. Initially, the managers will have to estimate costs, and then those costs, once carefully assessed, must be included in the budget. Once the actual cost is incurred, then it must be evaluated against budget. Each investment must also have a timeline established. Each capital investment must allow the business owners to increase revenue, reduce cost, or provide some economic benefits to the business. Before embarking on any capital investment, the business owner must have confidence that the project will generate a net cash inflow to the business.

The bank and cash balances must be carefully managed. Parts of funds owned by the business can be invested once there is no urgent need for such funds. Financial ratios are often used to evaluate the financial performance of the business. However, financial ratios have limitations.

Some business owners need to borrow money to expand their businesses. They must carefully use the funds borrowed for their intended purpose. Over the years, the business must grow and attract more customers, more revenue, and more net cash flow.


One of the most difficult aspects of becoming a business owner is securing financial support. Truly, some businesses fail simply because they lack the required funds. Entrepreneurs, of course, want to grow their business and make money, but in order to do so, they must first understand the realities of business financing and investments. Why do businesses borrow money? Do certain criteria need to be met before a business can borrow money? What are the differences between debt financing and equity financing? In this book, Geary Reid offers answers to all of these questions—and many more. By estimating their costs and effectively managing their finances, entrepreneurs should be able to achieve financial success.

Author Bio

As an accountant, Geary Reid has helped all sorts of businesses. He understands the struggles that all business owners go through. As such, Reid has decided to share his knowledge with entrepreneurs, teaching them how to manage their finances, record their transactions, and borrow money. All entrepreneurs will face difficulties, but by managing their finances, maintaining good credit, and making timely payments, they will increase their chances of achieving financial success. With this book, Reid wants to show entrepreneurs—both present and aspiring—how to make their businesses as efficient and profitable as possible.

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