Waiting on God
Waiting on God can be difficult, but it will be worth it in the end.
When tempted to be anxious, we can trust in and wait on God instead.
In His Word, God tells us not to be anxious for anything, because He is providing for us. As we learn to walk with God, we grow in our faith, knowing God will come through for us. We must practice patience, praying to and praising God, while we wait for him to act.
Just as God had Abraham and Sarah wait for the child he had promised, and just as many others in the Bible awaited deliverance or victory, so we too must wait.
Yet, we must not become discouraged but should praise God for what he has done and will do, even if things seem hopeless at the moment.
Believers can greatly encourage one another with God’s Word during these times, remembering His promises and power.
Waiting may not be fun, but as Reid shows here, it can be endured with faith in a way that strengthens our relationship with God.
God will bless those who wait on him. While the time of waiting may look long, it is always outweighed by the blessings of God. Waiting on God must never be considered a waste of time, but an opportunity for God to do what he is better at doing.
Too many persons are struggling while trying to do the works of the Lord. However, if they stand back, they will see the power and salvation of God. Believers must not be anxious for anything, as God has everything covered and will bless those who wait on him. Waiting on God does not mean that persons must be idle, as God always wants persons to be occupied in his work as they wait for him to come through for them.
When God promised to bless Abraham, it appeared to Abraham and Sarah that God was taking too long. However, God came through for them, and Sarah’s temporary barrenness was over as God blessed them with Isaac. Through Isaac, God was able to fulfill his words to Abraham.
Waiting on God requires patience. Waiting on God requires faith. When believers exercise their faith in God, he will make impossible things happen for them.
As believers wait, they must pray and praise God. They may not have everything they need, but as they praise God, they are celebrating him for things that he has the ability to do. The prayers of believers will cause the sick to be healed, as they have faith in God to heal those they pray for.
Trusting God may seem difficult. However, persons must trust God, since only he knows the future. As persons trust him to work on their behalf, they must expect that great things will happen for them. They must learn not to give up.
Knowing the Word of God is a good foundation for all believers. Those who need his wisdom and knowledge must spend time in his presence as they wait on him. The knowledge of God is superior to man’s knowledge, and God wants to bless persons with knowledge if they will seek him.
Those who wait on God can expect that he will increase their strength. They will soon mount up with wings like eagles. The Lord will prosper those who wait on him, and their days of poverty will be over as his blessings fill their lives.
The Lord knows the way and the timing to help his children, so they need to wait on him. The death of Lazarus troubled his family, but Jesus delayed his visit to Lazarus because he wanted to perform a miracle. Most likely, God is having you wait because he wants to do something great in and through your life. Therefore, wait upon the Lord.
Many times, in the Bible and in our lives, God asks His children to wait. Sometimes it is because it is not yet the right time for something. In the meantime, how are believers to act? We must trust in God, continuing in the work He has already given to us, praying, having faith, worshipping, and reading His Word. Through advice and words of encouragement, author Geary Reid shows that while you won’t always see the results right away, you can learn to trust that God will act.
Author Bio
Over the years, Geary Reid has learned to wait on God. Before he was a believer, Reid did things without waiting and became frustrated. After many years of these frustrations, Reid decided to surrender control to God, and he now waits for God to give him victory. Reid knows that only God knows the future, so he relaxes and allows God to work things out for him. While waiting, Reid prays, worships, and spends time in God’s Word.
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