Shepherding God’s Flock is Hard Work

Shepherding God’s flock is a high calling that requires hard work. Thankfully, Reverend Geary Reid offers help through this spiritual guidebook.

Shepherds are called to serve in many roles within the church, as pastors, evangelists, bishops, prophets, apostles, and elders. As a shepherd, you must carefully consider your calling, guided not by your will but by the Holy Spirit, to make sure you’re the right fit for a leadership role. A good shepherd, even a reluctant one such as Moses, responds to God’s calling with obedience by investing in spiritual, mental, and physical preparation. To help, Reverend Reid offers insights based on decades of experience in this comprehensive exploration of church leadership.

Shepherds must take on such responsibilities as dedicating babies, leading funerals, performing weddings, and providing counseling with diligence and care. As a shepherd, you will serve as an example to the flock by spending time with family and friends as well as by praying to and worshipping God. Shepherds are called to do difficult work that takes time and energy but offers many rewards. Be encouraged toward a more successful ministry with the guidance of Reverend Reid.



Working for the Lord is a wonderful opportunity, but it is hard work, especially for those who are assigned to be the shepherd over the flock. The word “shepherd” includes common church leadership roles like Pastor, Evangelist, Bishop, Prophet, Apostle, or anyone responsible for leading the congregation. The word “flock” represents categories like members, congregation, and church followers.

This book is divided into five sections. Each section has several chapters, which cover many important topics about church leadership and church membership. No shepherd who has to work for the Lord can operate in isolation. Every shepherd needs a flock to work with. However, effective shepherds know how to manage their flocks so that they gain great success. Every shepherd needs the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, every church leader will experience great defeat.

Section A in this book addresses the call to ministry. This section identifies where God calls the shepherd. These shepherds are called to assist in the harvest that Jesus speaks about, where many souls are waiting for someone to meet them at their point of need. God always needs persons to work through, and he is looking for more faithful members to support their shepherds.

Section B identifies that once the shepherds have been called by God, they must prepare themselves. Whenever God calls people, he expects that they will prepare themselves for the ministry which is ahead of them. Shepherds must prepare themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually for God’s assignment in their life.

Once shepherds are prepared, then it is time for them to deliver God’s assignments, as discussed in Section C. The gospel must be prepared. Both leaders and members of the congregation must be involved in worship and prayer. Those shepherds who learn how to communicate effectively will get great support from the members. Leaders must avoid burnout by assigning other persons to support them in the work of the Lord.

Aftercare is addressed in Section D. Besides the main activities of the weekend service, there are other things that persons expect the church leadership to provide. Funerals, weddings, and baby dedications are some examples of aftercare services that persons need from the church. Many shepherds also provide church counselling to saved and unsaved persons.

Section E, the last section, reminds shepherds that they must remember their families, and they must love and respect their families while they work for the Lord. Too many church leaders neglect their family for the flock, only to learn that not all members of the flock care for the church leader. Every shepherd needs friends and other relatives in their lives. When the shepherd visits their friends and relatives, they create an opportunity for those who may need to receive the Lord. Friends and relatives are good sources of encouragement for shepherds who are tired and need some comfort and guidance.


Working for the Lord is difficult, especially for shepherds of the flock, such as pastors, evangelists, bishops, prophets, apostles, and other leaders. In this guide, Reverend Geary Reid explores how you can heed the call to ministry leadership by discovering how to serve the congregation with your gifts. Prepare mentally, physically, and spiritually for ministry by learning how to lead and communicate effectively and by understanding your many responsibilities, such as conducting weekend services, weddings, and funerals. Reid also offers insights and strategies for keeping your batteries charged so you can avoid burnout and continue to bless and give to the congregation.

Author Bio

Author and reverend Geary Reid is familiar with the challenges of church leadership, having served the Lord for over two decades alongside other ministry leaders. He has given back to his church as the president of its men’s fellowship program, as the family oversight pastor, and as the treasurer, as well as through other leadership roles. Now, drawing on what he has learned about the work of the Lord, Reverend Reid provides insights to equip congregants and church leaders to face their struggles.

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