Dream Big and Live your Dreams

As long as people are prepared to work for what they want, nothing is out of reach!

As long as people are prepared to work for what they want, nothing is out of reach!

In Dream Big and Live Your Dreams, Author Geary Reid offers sage advice to aspiring—but perhaps insecure—dreamers. With their passion, idealism, and determination, dreamers have the innate ability to achieve their goals. They must, however, be prepared to work hard for what they want, as the path to personal success is often fraught with obstacles. Along the way to achieving their goals, dreamers will undoubtedly encounter toxic people, self-doubt, time constraints, and failure. Importantly, none of these should be deterrents; rather, with renewed purpose, dreamers can overcome these challenges and accomplish their goals.   

By cultivating valuable habits—such as time management, confidence, and positive thinking—dreamers can pursue their goals more actively. Having big dreams is only the first step; people must also have the skills and desire to act upon their dreams. To be successful, dreamers must be intentional, and they cannot allow their fear to prevent them from living the life they had always imagined. Though the journey may be long and difficult, the end result—the achievement of a lifelong dream—is more than worth it.



Having big dreams is not a bad thing. Many persons do not know where they want to go, what they want to become, or what impact they plan to make. Those who do not yet know their dreams must start dreaming now. They must set their minds on big things that they want to see happen through them. Some persons need to move away from dreaming small to dreaming about great things.

Big dreams can make some persons fearful. They question whether they have the ability to bring those dreams to life. When there is fear, the mind does not function effectively. However, if people can overcome their fears and be confident that great things can happen through them, then they will begin to challenge themselves to fulfill their dreams.

Persons who have big dreams must avoid certain kinds of people. This includes toxic people who will try to do everything possible to discourage others from accomplishing their dreams. Oftentimes, toxic people do not want anyone to become better than they are. People with big dreams must avoid negative thinking and stop doubting themselves.

There must be a paradigm shift in the minds of those with self-doubt. If the mind is not prepared for success, then the body will act in defeat and denial. 

Persons must make efforts to write down what they want to accomplish. When they fail to write down their dreams, they tend to forget about them. Writing them down allows the dreams to be fresh in their minds, and it also acts as a reference point when they are discouraged.

Everyone who wants to see their dream becoming reality must be prepared to work hard and smart. They cannot expect others to fulfill their dream for them while they are relaxing.

Learning to be quiet is something that many people must do when they have dreams. They cannot tell their dreams to everyone. They must also pray about their dreams so that they will receive guidance from the Creator.

Dreamers must also look for similar exposure, since they can learn many things that will make them successful. Persons with big dreams may experience failure, but they must push towards making their dreams come through. To overcome certain challenges, persons may need to align themselves with mentors.

Great planning will be necessary to make big dreams come through, so time must be allocated to various activities for each dream. After planning, dreamers must be willing to work hard at executing their plans. They must review past performance and see what they could do better if a similar situation occurs again. Persons must learn to celebrate their successes, both big and small, as they accomplish their dreams.


Having big dreams should not be considered a weakness. Many people in the world are aimless, but those with dreams have drive, passion, and determination. Still, those with big dreams and goals are often plagued by fear, which prevents them from living the life they had imagined. How can people overcome their self-doubt and accomplish their goals? What does it mean if someone is “toxic,” and how can toxic people be avoided? What sorts of habits should people develop to make their goals a reality? In this book, Author Geary Reid offers answers to these questions—and many more. Importantly, dreams cannot be realized without intention and hard work. By writing down specific goals, adhering to timetables, and following through, dreamers can, against all odds, find success. Indeed, as long as people are prepared to work for what they want, nothing is out of reach!

Author Bio

Over the course of his life, Author Geary Reid has experienced his fair share of failures, but that has not stopped him from dreaming big dreams. It is important for people to challenge themselves and step out of their comfort zone; only then can they discover their true talents and purpose in life. In Reid’s estimation, hard work and big dreams go hand in hand. By applying themselves and actively pursuing their goals, dreamers can, in fact, achieve success. The path may seem difficult at times, but nothing that is worth having will ever come easily. With this book, Reid wants to inspire dreamers to reach their full potential by intentionally working toward their goals.

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