Healing and Deliverance for God’s People

God is ready to heal and deliver you.

You may need healing from sickness, deliverance from a demon, or release from the grip sin has on your life. Whatever you face, God can help you overcome it. You can always ask God for his healing and deliverance, as God wants to help everyone and doesn’t want his children to live below his standard.

Sometimes we create our own problems by being irresponsible and sinful. We need to proactively improve our habits and outlooks, seeking and following professional advice while continually praying to God.

In this guide, Reverend Geary Reid discusses how churches and faith leaders can educate their congregations about healing and deliverance, offering services to help their fellow believers. We must teach one another to pray, seek God, and take care of ourselves.



Healing and deliverance are available for everyone. Before Jesus came to the earth, many persons had to wait for long periods to receive their deliverance and healing. However, when Jesus came, he healed those who sought his help, and he delivered many demon-possessed persons. When Jesus ascended to heaven, he gave power to all believers to pray for the sick and also to see persons being delivered.

Healing and deliverance must be part of the ministry of every congregation. While some church leaders give greater emphasis to healing and deliverance than others, they all must establish a system for their members to receive God’s healing hands and deliverance.

No one must have to pay for their own deliverance. It is the gift and power of God that brings healing to people. Members of the congregation should not have to seek their leaders for prayers on every occasion, as some members can pray for their on healing and deliverance.

God does not consider persons based upon their age, height, skin color, foreparents, or any such factor. Whoever comes to him for help, the Lord will be there for them.

People sometimes think that deliverance is only associated with demons. However, some persons need to be delivered from sins, shame, and unforgiveness. Believers sometimes harbor unforgiveness in their hearts and need the deliverance of God. Lust can affect everyone. Whether persons are young or old, they may be tempted by lust. But it is only when a person yields to lust that they have sinned.

Those who are barren must approach God for their deliverance. Some persons are barren because of their actions, but it is seen through the scriptures that God had shut up the womb of one woman, but when she prayed, he delivered her.

When people are affected by poverty, fear, and ignorance, it may not always be because of demons. Therefore, if these persons take certain actions, then they can be delivered as they seek the guidance and power of God.

God listens to his children’s cries, since he wants to meet their needs. Regardless of a person’s status, they must follow God’s instruction if they want to be healed.

Laying on of hands is one way of helping persons to be healed. However, persons can also be healed by eye contact, as the power of God can reach persons wherever they are. Everyone who needs the healing hands of God must be desperate for their healing. Persons must demand their healing, since God wants everyone to be made whole. Today must be your day for healing and deliverance.


Everyone needs healing and deliverance. The good news is that God wants to heal and deliver you from all evil. He wants the best for his people and can help you overcome sins of lust, sensuality, and more. He can help women overcome barrenness. He can help you fight spiritual battles against the forces of darkness. When you allow God to direct your future, his truth will set you free. God is always at work and can use whatever means he desires to heal and deliver you. With prayer and a proactive healthy lifestyle, you can overcome the obstacles that hold you back from having the kind of life God intended for you.

Author Bio

Reverend Geary Reid has prayed for healing and deliverance for many people over the years. He has even seen demonic possession while serving as an altar worker and intercessor. He hopes this book will help people to be delivered from demons and sin and find the healing they need.

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