Working for the Lord

With his new book, Reverend Geary Reid teaches you how working for God can lead to a rewarding life of salvation and other amazing benefits.

Looking for guidance on how to effectively work for God? Look no further. Based on more than thirty years of experience in Christian ministry, Reverend Geary Reid offers his own strategies alongside Biblical examples you can apply in your work for the Lord. Learn about the many joys spreading the word of God can bring to your life and the lives of those around you, and transform the way you work for God today.



Many persons are interested in being saved, but some mistakenly think that once they are saved, then that is the only thing that is required of them. Some persons have become saved and are just waiting for the Lord to collect them and take them to heaven.

This literature is divided into two sections that help emphasize the importance of working for the Lord and the rewards for those who work for him. God is always a just rewarder. He is no man’s debtor, but those who do not work cannot expect to be compensated by the Lord.

God is interested in having more persons work for him, and through reading this literature, you are expected to develop a passion for working for the Lord. While you work for him, encourage others to work as well so that they will also experience God operating in a significant way in their lives, as he has done for you. Become an example of a quality worker for the Lord, and let people see Christ in you as you work for him.

The first section of this literature addresses many of the concerns that persons have as it relates to working for the Lord. God can do everything, but he works through us to get many things completed. Therefore, those who make themselves available will be used by the Lord. God wants all humanity to be saved, so he wants to work through you to take the gospel to as many persons as possible. When you share the gospel with persons and model Christ before them, then they will see and know Christ.

The second section of the book deals with the benefit of working for the Lord. Too many persons do not recognize that the Lord gives many benefits to those who work for him. One such benefit is promotion, both in the secular life and in the spiritual life. When God blesses his children, he takes care of their current and future needs. The benefits of God’s blessing to his children go beyond them to impact the lives of their family members. Therefore, work for the Lord, read this book and see God’s blessings upon those who work for him.


The Lord rewards those who work diligently for him. Reverend Geary Reid knows this well, having experienced the joy and personal fulfillment of Christian ministry.With this book, he offers valuable guidance to those interested in spreading God’s word, sharing his personal strategies as well as examples straight from the Bible itself. Transform your worship and begin receiving the many benefits of working for God today.

Author Bio

Though Reverend Geary Reid is no stranger to the secular life, his work for the Lord has brought him much happiness and success. Reid focuses on the congregation as he promotes the kingdom of God in his own community and wherever else he goes. He has taught Sunday school classes for several years and is an active member of his religious community, where he takes on many fulfilling roles and responsibilities.

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