Jesus’ Birth, Death, and Resurrection

Jesus is the only hope and redemption for all of mankind.

In life and death, Jesus sought to reconcile us all to God.

There has never been anyone as transformative and radical as Jesus Christ. From his entrance into the world to his death and resurrection, He brought hope that sin could be overcome. He came to earth to save people from the sin that had separated us from God since the time of Adam and Eve; Jesus healed the rift by becoming human. 

Jesus fulfilled many Old Testament prophesies about the Messiah in his life and death. Through Jesus’ ministry, He showed mankind how to follow God. Through His death, He paid the ultimate price so that sinners could one day be filled with God’s spirit. 

It is crucial to understand and meditate on Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Only through Jesus can we live the life God intended by following God’s laws and helping others. Jesus’ Birth, Death, and Resurrection will educate and equip you to do just that.



Jesus came to the earth because Adam and Eve had sinned. It was the first sin, and that first sin caused them to lose their status in the garden of Eden. God was angry with their decision to eat of the tree that was in the center of the garden, so he enforced sanctions on the serpent, Eve and Adam. However, God is a merciful God who wants to save humanity, so he had to establish an immediate plan to do so. The redemptive plan to save mankind was made available through Jesus Christ.

The birth of Jesus was prophesied long before he visited the earth. Persons need to know that Jesus existed before Adam and Eve. Indeed, he was involved in the creation of the world. Therefore, he was aware of the first sin from the beginning. 

When Jesus came to the earth, he came for sinners. He avoided the religious people and often associated with those who needed salvation. He is a Savior for everyone. He wanted to save people from their sins and to give them a new beginning. Since humans were separated from God because of their sins, Jesus came to reconcile man unto God. 

Jesus’ purpose was revealed many centuries ago. Therefore, when Jesus came, he walked in the purpose that was assigned for him.

Mary and Joseph are often referred to as Jesus’ parents. However, God performed a miracle that caused Mary to become pregnant before she and Joseph knew each other. While Joseph wanted to put away Mary because she was pregnant, God worked through the angels to convince him to accept her. Joseph was placed into a deep sleep, and the angel told him important things. King Herod thought he could prevent the birth of Jesus, but all of his plans failed, because God protected his Son Jesus, along with Mary and Joseph. Jesus’ birth and assignment could not be stopped by King Herod.

The death of Jesus was predicted in advance. He even informed his disciples about it three times. He was not afraid to tell them about his death and how it would happen. Jesus had all the details about his death, and he shared the sequence of events with his disciples. Before Judas betrayed Jesus, Jesus already knew that it would happen. The events leading up to Jesus’ death were fulfilled according to the sequence he foretold to his disciples.

Jesus’ crucifixion was painful, but necessary, as he had to die for the sins of humanity. When the people requested that Barabbas be released instead of Jesus, it allowed the plan of God to be fulfilled. When Jesus was placed in the tomb, the religious leaders thought it was the end of him. They also placed guards to protect his tomb and to prevent him from arising after the third day. However, no tomb could hold Jesus back, so he arose from the tomb and visited many persons. Today, he lives in the hearts of those who accept him as Lord and Savior. 


When Adam and Eve violated God’s laws, sin entered the world. Sin fractured their relationship with God, making it necessary for Jesus to come to earth. 

Though Jesus came in human form, He had existed in spirit before the creation of the world. His life, ministry, and death had been prophesized hundreds of years before. 

Jesus spent time with sinners and extended them an offer to be justified and redeemed. He was crucified, then he died. After, he was buried, but later, he ascended. 

Now, Jesus wants to live in the heart and mind of every believer. In this book, you will learn about these essential truths. You will discover how to live in response to Jesus’ offer of salvation.

Author Bio

Reverend Geary Reid has researched and preached about Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection. Reid gave his life to the Lord in 1986 and was baptized three years later. Since then, he has continued to learn more about his Lord and Savior. He has a passion to help those who do not know Jesus to become equipped with the Word of God. He loves reminding believers to share about Jesus wherever they go.

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